By Emma Landsburgh
With the easing of lockdown in Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has declared masks to be mandatory during visits to shops. England will do the same on the 24th of July. This ruling is exempt for those with serious illness, children aged five or under and other reasons listed on the website. Many scientific studies have reported the benefits of wearing a mask out in public. However, many of those who must wear masks cannot seem to grasp the introduction of them into our daily lives.
Masks have been approved as a mandatory measure in Scotland to avoid a rise in the R number and to stop a second wave. Of course, the use of masks has been debated a lot over the last few months. However, in many countries they have become mandatory to avoid the spread of coronavirus. At the beginning of the pandemic we saw that masks were reserved for the NHS or those working in the medical field, even though many struggled to gain access to PPE. There was a shortage of PPE meaning that masks were not readily available, or they were inadequate for those working on the forefront of the crisis, never mind for the public who were expected to stay home as much as possible.
At the beginning of the pandemic, coronavirus was still a very new virus with little to no information about it. There was barely any idea about how to curb the rise in infection rates and the investigation into masks had barely started. Now that excuse can no longer be used due to the release of numerous reports detailing the benefits of wearing a mask.
Masks are essential due to the reality of asymptomatic carriers of coronavirus. 30 to 45 percent of people tested are asymptomatic. In one research paper, they have found that people are more likely to spread the disease days before symptoms begin to appear. So rather than waiting for symptoms to show it is safer and more considerate to just wear a mask. Coronavirus is now known to be spread by droplets from sneezing, coughing or even talking. So, without the barrier of a mask it is far easier for the virus to spread from person to person. Imagine when it is cold and how far your breath clouds in front of you, the purpose of masks is to limit this.
The main point of masks is to protect others from yourself. You may be a carrier of coronavirus with no symptoms, but if you wear a mask the spread of the virus will be lowered. A study from Cambridge University has stated that homemade masks even help lower the transmission of the virus. The study further states that if everyone in public wears a mask the R number will be reduced to below one and remain there, therefore stopping the likelihood of a second wave. The Lancet found, whilst analysing 172 studies from 16 countries, that when wearing a mask there is only a 3% chance of catching coronavirus. The University of Edinburgh studied a variety of face masks and found that the majority lowered the travelling distance of a breath by 90%. Overall, masks are a major part in the effort of lowering the infection rates. So, if you can wear a face mask just do it.
Some during this pandemic and lockdown have done the bare minimum, so wearing masks is not much effort. The main thing people seem to be focusing on is that shops will not force you to wear a mask. Face masks seem to enrage some people but please do not be that person. Consider that workers are having to go back to work to make a living amid a pandemic, many of whom would rather not be there for their own safety and health. Be considerate of those who cannot wear a mask themselves. Now is it not the time to be individualistic and selfish. It is in the best interest for everyone for masks to be mandatory. The Scottish government is enforcing this by law: ‘People must - by law - wear a face covering in retail environments and on public transport and public transport premises, such as airports, train and bus stations. This applies to open air train stations, but not to bus stops.’ (
This was made mandatory in Scotland on the 10th of July. It will become mandatory for those in England next week. Even with all this information only one third of British people are wearing a mask. Of course, there has been division even within the science community about face masks, but it does not harm you to wear a face mask unless you align with any of the government's exemptions. A lot of the time people do not want to wear a mask because they ‘don’t like it’, however, I am sure they will dislike a second wave far more. It is something you get used to and saying you do not believe in them or this pandemic is the height of ignorance.
It does not help that government officials in England are still divided about making masks mandatory. Michael Gove, Minister of the Cabinet, has stated in a recent interview that masks should not be mandatory. He considers wearing a mask as “basic good manners” and that he trusts “people's good sense”. However, throughout this pandemic “people’s good sense” has been ruined, we have all seen the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who wanted a day trip to the crowded beaches. Never mind the people who have decided to stop supporting the conservative party due to the sole reason of masks becoming mandatory and enforced through a fine system. However, Gove’s stance goes against Boris Johnson’s who says: “I do think we need to be stricter in insisting people wear face coverings in confined spaces”.
By wearing a face mask, you make a compassionate action and it is recognisable. Nurses, carers, and doctors have been wearing face masks during 15-hour shifts since the very beginning of the pandemic. So, wearing one for your quick 30-minute run to the shops is nothing in comparison. Sure they may steam up your glasses and they are a bit uncomfortable to wear when you are getting used to them, but that is far better than finding out you have been diagnosed with coronavirus and have spread it. Consider those who have been shielding, or those with shielding family members, those who have underlying conditions, or basically anyone as coronavirus causes life ruining conditions (if you survive it). So, when walking into a shop or moaning about masks, take a second to think over the damage this pandemic has caused, and whether you want to be a part of why this pandemic has been prolonged.