By Martina Rimbaldo
The story goes:
Little girl on a swing set, swinging
her mommy has gone
called by Heaven too soon.
Oh my God why?
You may hear her cry late at night .
when the sky is illuminated by the moonlight,
her daddy is sitting in the bar drinking beer,
he is never near,
never there, for his little girl.
All grown up,
she cannot stop,
drinks bottles of alcohol
in order to make her whole,
follows her daddy's steps,
she knows well it doesn't help,
there is no other way out,
kill her or heal her,
her life slips out of her hands.
Her talents,
she hides inside, pushing them aside,
brake free from cage turn the new life page,
step bravely on stage,
take your body downtown wrapped in magnetic red gown,
curtain pulls away, all lights on her, shining as a diamante,
standing ovation as she sings "National Anthem"
with her mermaid voice puts a spell on them,
she is a star,
she is going far,
Lizzy take it easy,
is gonna be alright,
change your name, hit the road to fame,
its a brand new game, she knows well, nothing is gonna be the same,
feels electric . God knows she deserves it, after all the suffering,
she feels liberating, she’s gonna use what life is offering.